Webinar: K&L Gates Social Media Series: Social Media Marketing — Advertising Laws and Other Considerations
Please join us for the third in a series of webinars focusing on the intersection of social medial, law, and business. This program is targeted to legal counsel or marketing personnel in businesses that want to engage consumers through social media platforms. It will focus on the regulatory considerations surrounding social media, and advertising and marketing laws, with an emphasis on FTC issues.
Program will be 60 minutes followed by time for Q&AOur panel of K&L Gates’ lawyers will cover topics, including:
- Advertising basics
- FTC.com disclosures
- FTC rules
- Social network background contracts
- Dealing with ad agency contracts
- Concerns with publishing user-generated content
- Getting rights in content or data
- Social activities & “social norms”
Seth A. Gold, Partner, IP Litigation
Brian K. McCalmon, Partner, Trade Regulation & Consumer Protection
Katherine C. Spelman, Partner, Technology Transactions
Holly K. Towle, Partner, Technology Transactions
To register, click here. Log-in instructions will be sent via email the day before the webinar. You must register to receive the log-in instructions.